Friday, March 30, 2007

The Gardeners of Tucson

The Gardeners of Tucson is a group of people interested in gardening, whether it be flower, vegetable, landscaping or any other form. Primarily we belong to learn. Through our educational speakers and our community service work, we learn from others and in the process, we teach others too.

We have been in Tucson for nearly 50 years. There are monthly meetings on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:30 PM at the City Council Ward 6 Meeting Room, 3202 E. First Street (1 block east of Country Club and one block south of Speedway).

For information of "The Gardeners of Tucson" contact the President, Jacqueline Soule at 520-292-0504.

You can see a list of gardening clubs, activities, sales on my website